Product List

Welding materials for cast iron

flux covered electrode

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TC-1 For building up cast irons JIS : E C Ni-CI
TC-3 For building up cast irons JIS : E C NiFe-CI
TC-3A For building up cast irons JIS : E C NiFe-CI
TC-3F For building up cast irons JIS : E C NiFe-CI
TC-6C For repairing cast irons JIS : E CSt
AWS : Est
TC-8M Hardfacing direct build up onto cast irons(Cutting blades) JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TC-8B Hardfacing direct build up onto cast irons(Cutting blades) JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TM-2000 Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TM-2000B Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
TM-2000BN Hardfacing build up onto hardened cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TM-2000C Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TM-2000H Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TM-2100 Hardfacing direct build up onto cast irons JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TK-2 Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TK-3 Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TS-25M Build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TM-6 For medium impact soil abrasion
HV 650~700
JIS : DF3C-600-B
AWS : ー

TIG welding rod

Model Applications Equivalent standard
T-Ni Build up onto cast irons JIS : S Ni-CI
AWS : ERNi-1
T-3N Build up onto cast irons JIS : S NiFe
AWS : ー
T-3H Build up onto cast irons JIS : ー
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
T-2000 Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
T-2000C Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
NIT-5 Hardfacing direct build up onto cast irons JIS : ー
AWS : ー

MAG welding wire

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TC-3N Build up onto cast irons JIS : S C NiFe
AWS : ー
TC-3H Build up onto cast irons JIS : ー
AWS : ー
M-2000 Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
M-2000C Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
NIW-5 Hardfacing build up onto cast iron dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
MTS-100 Build up onto cast irons JIS : ー
AWS : ー

Gas welding rod

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TC-5 Gas welding onto cast irons JIS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
TC-5D Gas welding onto ductile cast irons JIS : ー
AWS : ー

Welding materials for hard-surfacing

flux covered electrode

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TM-1 For intermetallic abrasion
HV 250~300
JIS : DF2A-300-R
AWS : ー
TM-3 For intermetallic abrasion
HV 260~320
JIS : DF2A-300-B
AWS : ー
TM-40 For intermetallic abrasion
HV 300~360
JIS : DF2A-350-R
AWS : ー
TM-350 For light impact soil abrasion
HV 330~370
JIS : DF2A-350-B
AWS : ー
TM-5 For medium impact soil abrasion
HV 520~550
JIS : DF2B-500-B
AWS : ー
TM-7 For heavy soil abrasion
HV 740~820
JIS : DF3C-700-B
AWS : ー
TM-10B For intermetallic impact abrasion
HV 600~650
JIS : DF3B-600-B
AWS : ー
TM-11Cr For hardfacing metal molds (Cutting blades)
HV 550~600
JIS : DF4A-500-B
AWS : ー
TM-11CrB For hardfacing metal molds (Cutting blades)
HV 580~640
JIS : DF4A-500-B
AWS : ー
TM-11CrM For hardfacing metal molds (Cutting blades)
HV 620~700
JIS : DF4B-600-B
AWS : ー
TM-60 For building up metal molds
HV 580~650
JIS : DF4B-600-B
AWS : ー
TM-60S For building up metal molds
HV 620~700
JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TM-285 For heavy impact soil abrasion
HV 750~820
JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TMC-1 For intermetallic and soil abrasion
JIS : DF4A-450-B
AWS : ー
TMC-2 For intermetallic and soil abrasion
JIS : DFME-200-B
AWS : ー
TMC-3 For soil abrasion
JIS : DFCrA-600-B
AWS : ー
TMC-4 For soil abrasion
JIS : DFCrA-600-B
AWS : ー
TMC-5 For soil abrasion
JIS : DFCrA-700-B
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
TMC-41 For corrosion, heat, and abrasion resistance
JIS : DF4A-400-B
AWS : ー
TMC-42 For corrosion, heat, and abrasion resistance
JIS : DF4A-400-B
AWS : ー
TSW-1 For high temperature impact abrasion
JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TSW-2 For high temperature impact abrasion
JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TSW-4 For high temperature impact abrasion JIS : ー
AWS : ー
THS For high speed steels JIS : DF5A-700-B
AWS : ー
THW For intermetallic impact abrasion JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TF-5 For flame hardening steels JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TTC For heavy soil abrasion
Tungsten carbides
JIS : DFWA-700-S
AWS : ー
THM-1 For impact abrasion
JIS : DFMA-200-B
AWS : ー
THM-2 For impact abrasion
JIS : DFMB-200-B
AWS : ー
MA-1 For building up metal molds (Maraging steels) JIS : ー
AWS : ー
MA-2 For building up metal molds (Maraging steels) JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TST-1 Stellites JIS : DCoCrC-600-BR
AWS : ー
TST-2 Stellites JIS : DCoCrB-500-BR
AWS : ー
TST-3 Stellites JIS : DCoCrA-400-BR
AWS : ー
TST-21 Stellites JIS : DCoCrD-350-BR
AWS : ー

TIG welding rod

Model Applications Equivalent standard
MA-1G For building up metal molds (Maraging steels) JIS : ー
AWS : ー
MA-2G For building up metal molds (Maraging steels) JIS : ー
AWS : ー
DS-11G For cold tool steel molds
JIS : ー
AWS : ー
DS-61G For hot/cold tool steel molds
SKD-11 and SKD61
JIS : ー
AWS : ー
DCT-1G For building up on die casting molds JIS : ー
AWS : ー
DCT-1G(M) For building up on die casting molds JIS : ー
AWS : ー
THS-G For high speed steels JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TMC-2G For high temperature impact abrasion JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TF-5G For flame hardening steels JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TM-60T For building up metal molds JIS : ー
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
TMC-5WG For plastic molds
For Cr-Mo pre-hardened steel
JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TMI-2G For building up aluminum casting molds JIS : ー
AWS : ー
T-22 For ZAS material press dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
CM-4 Colmonoy (Self fluxing alloys) JIS : ー
CM-5 Colmonoy (Self fluxing alloys) JIS : ー
CM-6 Colmonoy (Self fluxing alloys) JIS : ー
TST-1G Stellites JIS : ー
TST-2G Stellites JIS : RCoCr-B
AWS : ー
TST-3G Stellites JIS : ー
TST-21G Stellites JIS : ー
AWS : ー

MAG welding wire

Model Applications Equivalent standard
M-600 For intermetallic abrasion JIS : ー
AWS : ー
M-DS-61G For building up hot and cold steels JIS : ー
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
M-MA-1G For building up metal molds (Maraging steels) JIS : ー
AWS : ー

Gas welding rod

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TTC-G For heavy soil abrasion
Tungsten carbides
JIS : ー
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
TTC-HG For heavy soil abrasion
Tungsten carbides
JIS : ー
AWS : ー

Flux cored wire

Model Applications Equivalent standard
MC-250 For intermetallic abrasion
JIS : YF2A-C-250
AWS : ー
MC-300 For intermetallic abrasion
JIS : YF2A-C-300
AWS : ー
MC-350 For intermetallic abrasion
JIS : YF2A-C-350
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
MC-450 For intermetallic abrasion
JIS : YF2A-C-450
AWS : ー
MC-600 For intermetallic abrasion
JIS : YF3B-C-600
AWS : ー
TMC-41C For erosion, heat and abrasion resistance JIS : YF4A-C-350
AWS : ー

Welding materials for stainless steel

flux covered electrode

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TS-1 SUS304 JIS : ES308-16
AWS : E308-16
TS-2 SUS304L JIS : ES308L-16
AWS : E308L-16
TS-3 SUS309S clad steels JIS : ES309-16
AWS : E309-16
TS-3L SUS309S clad steels JIS : ES309L-16
AWS : E309L-16
TS-3Nb 25Cr-12Ni-Nb JIS : ES309Nb-16
AWS : E309Nb-16
TS-3M 25Cr-12Ni-2Mo JIS : ES309Mo-16
AWS : E309Mo-16
TS-4 SUS310S clad steels JIS : ES310-16
AWS : E310-16
Model Applications Equivalent standard
TS-5 SUS316 JIS : ES316-16
AWS : E306-16
TS-6 SUS316L JIS : ES316L-16
AWS : E316L-16
TS-12 For dissimilar metals jointing JIS : ES312-16
AWS : E312-16
TS-17L SUS317 JIS : ES317-16
AWS : E317L-16
TS-41 SUS403, SUS410 JIS : ES410-16
AWS : E410-16
TS-47 19Cr-9Ni,Nb JIS : ES347-16
AWS : E347-16

TIG welding rod

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TS-1G SUS304 JIS : YS308
AWS : ER308
TS-3G SUS309 JIS : YS309
AWS : ER309
Model Applications Equivalent standard
TS-5G SUS316 JIS : YS316
AWS : ER316
TS-12G For dissimilar metals jointing JIS : YS312
AWS : ER312

MAG welding wire

Model Applications Equivalent standard
AWS : ー
TSC-3L SUS309S clad steels JIS : TS309LC
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
AWS : ー

MIG welding wire

Model Applications Equivalent standard
AWS : ER309L

Welding materials for Heat Resistant steelsand Nickel alloys

flux covered electrode

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TS-HP For heat resistant casting steels JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TS-800 For heat resistant overlaying JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TIC-1 Inconel alloys JIS : ENi6062
AWS : ENiCrFe-1
TIC-3 Inconel alloys JIS : ENi6182
AWS : ENiCrFe-3
TIA Monel metals JIS : ENi4060
AWS : ENiCu-7
Model Applications Equivalent standard
THA-B Hastelly B JIS : ENi1001
AWS : ENiMo-1
THA-C Hastelly C JIS : ENi6022
AWS : EniMo-10
THA-76A For hardfacing overlay of forging dies JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TIC-50 50Cr-50Ni alloys JIS : ー
AWS : ー

TIG welding rod

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TIC-718G Inconel alloys JIS : SNi7718
AWS : ERNiFeCr-2
TIC-82G Inconel alloys JIS : SN6082
AWS : ERNiFeCr-3
TIC-625G Inconel alloys JIS : SNi6625
AWS : ERNiFeMo-3
Model Applications Equivalent standard
THA-CG Hastelly C JIS : SNi6022
AWS : ERNiFeMo-10
THA-C2G Hastelly C JIS : SNi6276
AWS : ERNiFeMo-4

Welding materials for low alloy steel

flux covered electrode

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TMC-95 For 1.25Cr-0.5Mo steels JIS : E5516-1CM
AWS : E8016-B2
Model Applications Equivalent standard
TMC-76 For 0.5Mo steels JIS : E4916-1M3
AWS : E7016-A1

Welding materials for high tensile steel and others

flux covered electrode

Model Applications Equivalent standard
HT-1 490N/mm2 high tensile strength steels JIS : E5516-G
AWS : E7016
HT-2 For thin mild steel sheets JIS : E4313
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
HT-3 For general structural welding work JIS : E4303
AWS : ー

TIG welding rod

Model Applications Equivalent standard
HT-1G 490N/mm2 high tensile strength steels JIS : W49A3U16

MAG welding wire

Model Applications Equivalent standard
MHT-11 Steel frame bridges ・ mild steels JIS : YGW-11
Model Applications Equivalent standard
MHT-12 Aotomobilies ・ mild steels JIS : YGW-12
AWS : ER70S-6

flux covered arc cutting rod

Model Applications Equivalent standard
CT-2 Gouging cut JIS : ー
AWS : ー

Welding materials for Copper alloy

flux covered electrode

Model Applications Equivalent standard
CP Pure coppers JIS : DCu
AWS : ー
EB Silicon bronze JIS : DCuSiA
AWS : ー
AB Aluminum bronze JIS : DCuAlNi
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
PB Phosphor bronze JIS : DCuSnB
CB For filling cavitation of brasses and gunmetals JIS : ー
AWS : ー

Gas welding rod

Model Applications Equivalent standard
TB For torbin bronze JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TB-A For torbin bronze JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TB-2 For torbin bronze JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TB Bronze For torbin bronze JIS : ー
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
TB-3 For torbin bronze JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TB-3S For torbin bronze JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TB-4 For torbin bronze JIS : ー
AWS : ー
TB-4S For torbin bronze JIS : ー
AWS : ー

Welding materials for Alminum alloy

TIG welding rod

Model Applications Equivalent standard
A-43T For aluminum and aluminum alloys JIS : A4043BY
AWS : ER4043
Model Applications Equivalent standard
A-356T For aluminum and aluminum alloys JIS : A5356BY
AWS : ER5356

Brazing filler metal

Brazing filler metal

Model Applications Equivalent standard
Silver brazing Silver brazing JIS : Z3261
AWS : ー
Phosphor copper brazing Phosphor copper brazing JIS : Z3264
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
Brazing flax for silver brazing Brazing flax for silver brazing JIS : ー
AWS : ー

Other items

Other items

Model Applications Equivalent standard
Embossed stainless For scrap shooting JIS : ー
AWS : ー
Model Applications Equivalent standard
Tungsten Electrodes electrode for TIG Welding JIS : ー
AWS : ー