
- As a pioneer manufacturer of special welding materials, we are always at the top of the industry with our technology.
- Contribute to society at large by actively expanding sales overseas with a global perspective.
- Provide overlay welding, thermal spraying, and fabrication technologies and services to create jobs.
- Create a sustainable work environment in accordance with the Alconix Group Code of Conduct.
- Provide quality and services to reduce environmental impact and realize a recycling-oriented society in accordance with our quality and environmental policies.
Corporate Social Responsibility
We seek to resolve environmental issues through our business activities.

Reduction of CO₂ emissions
Actions Toward Carbon Neutral
Reduction of electricity consumption by improving production efficiency
Continue implementation of daily vehicle inspections
Indoor temperature control
Reduction of waste (reduction in use of military gloves and masks)
We contribute to not only society through our business activities, but also the sustainable development of society by interacting with local comunities as a corporate citizen.

Human Resource Development
・Goal Registration System
Set goals that match the abilities of each employee, in addition to measure progress and achievement with superiors to link to growth.
・Aim to improve employee skills through in-house training, support for acquisition of necessary qualifications, subsidies for examination fees and training fees, etc.
・Encourage employees to leave work on time.
Average overtime hours in FY2024
1.7 hours/month (total for employees excluding managers)
・Encourage employees to take paid leave
Paid leave utilization rate: 82.39% in FY2024

Occupational Safety and Health
・The company purchased masks in bulk and provided them to those who requested them as a measure against new coronavirus infection.
・Attention to employee health management, such as all employees receiving regular health checkups, subsidies for optional examinations during health checkups, and subsidies for influenza vaccinations.
・Wastewater treatment facility to be upgraded in spring 2023

・Employment of the elderly
・Traffic safety patrols
Quality &
Environmental Policy
- We will comply with laws, regulations, and internal rules, and continuously improve our quality and environmental management system.
- We will accurately understand our customers’ needs and continue to provide products and services that satisfy them, thereby enhancing their trust in our company.
- We set, implement, maintain, and review as necessary to improve our business processes, recognizing our situation, the needs of our stakeholders, and our impact on the environment.
- We strive to protect the environment through pollution prevention and environmental load reduction activities.

We always consider the improvement of customer satisfaction and strive to provide reliable products and services.
We also recognize that conservation of the global environment and prevention of pollution are important issues to be addressed through our business activities, and we aim to harmonize our business activities with the local environment.
All employees understand the quality and environmental management system and promote the above activities.